
European Commission Proposes Digital Rights and Principles

The European Commission proposed a set of digital rights and principles representing European values and aimed to protect people's rights, ensure a safe and fair online environment and support democracy.

These digital rights and principles aim to guide companies and policymakers when dealing with new technologies. They cover digital devices ensuring the product supports the nation's green transition pals, with details on their environmental impact and energy consumption.

The Commission hopes to sign a declaration on these principles and rights with EU countries and the European Parliament by summer. But as a declaration from the European Commission, it will not be legislation. The Parliament and Council of the European Union will discuss this declaration. If it is jointly endorsed, the declaration will inform the EU's approach to digital transformation on the global stage.

The draft of the declaration outlines the commitment of the Commission to strengthen the democratic framework for digital transformation that will benefit everyone and technological solutions that can promote inclusion. The draft talks about digital transformation, internet access for all, age-appropriate design, digital divide, digital identity, and more.
