The RSOC will offer network security infrastructure that local governments can utilize and give university students hands-on experience to strengthen the cybersecurity workforce of tomorrow.
The GVMS has been fixed 10 days after being down since 31st March 2022 after an update to a separate government customs system, known as Chief, took it offline.
The funding can be used to fund “lifesaving but costly” improvements as new mobile radios for responders, additional wireless towers and new equipment for communications centers that enables jurisdictions to communicate with each other.
Supported by $100 million of charitable investments, plans for the lab will see the country’s preeminent civic tech organization working with 15 state government partners over the next seven years.
As the state expands wastewater surveillance and testing to cover 47 utilities serving 60% of Colorado's population, residents can review results on a public dashboard.
The Chicago Early Childhood Integrated Data System will bring together data from across systems and programs in neighborhood-level analyses and program-specific dashboards.
Service Tasmania revealed plans to link “discrete government identities to a single whole-of-government identifier” in its request for tender for the portal released on the weekend.