Update: Florida government websites are back up as of Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021. According to reports1, Florida’s government websites had experienced a hardware failure at the State Data Center.
Florida's official government websites Myflorida.com and Flgov.com, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s websites have been down since Friday, 29th October 2021, after the State Data Center experienced a hardware malfunction. The official websites show messages that the website is under maintenance.
According to the Department of Management services, the Florida Digital Services (FLDS) responded to the hardware failure on Friday. The backup processor designed to take over if and when the central processor fails did not function as architected. The FLDS are working with Dell EMC to restore functionality and bring state websites back online.
Due to the possible delay in acquiring hardware, the decision to repair the same hardware was made on Friday, resulting in another additional crash on Saturday morning. This malfunction directly impacts the processes of the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
It wasn’t the first time the state websites were down. The voter registration portal had crashed ahead of the November 2020 elections. When hundreds of thousands of jobless citizens tried to file and use the benefits of the Department of Economic Opportunities unemployment portal, a website crash happened.
Source [1]: https://floridapolitics.com/archives/469679-state-web-portal-goes-offline/