One of the most shocking trends that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic was the level of credential-theft taking place. For instance, a 2020 audit of the dark web found that there were over 15 billion passwords exposed online.
Several South African government websites went offline on Tuesday in an outage that struck Home Affairs, the Presidency, StatsSA, and the Department of Mineral & Energy Resources, among others.
South Mediterranean countries should be aware of the “necessity” associated with the protection of personal data. These policies are not used adequately when cases such as identity theft, loss or theft of personal data are filed every day.
The Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to invest $4 billion in upgrades to the nation’s water and wastewater infrastructure with a strong focus on cybersecurity.
The RSOC will offer network security infrastructure that local governments can utilize and give university students hands-on experience to strengthen the cybersecurity workforce of tomorrow.
Aurora city is looking to increase training and get an antivirus module as part of an additional $336,697 added to the $3.2 million contract with Data Defenders.
The state budget signed last week by Gov. Jay Inslee includes money to create a master’s degree and two bachelor’s degree programs at Eastern Washington University, and a bachelor’s program at Washington State University.