CUREator’s new health security stream will award $1 million over three years to projects in fields such as emerging infectious diseases and pandemics research, and therapies targeting chemical, biological and radiological threats.
The funding can be used to fund “lifesaving but costly” improvements as new mobile radios for responders, additional wireless towers and new equipment for communications centers that enables jurisdictions to communicate with each other.
The Queensland Police Service has taken delivery of millions of dollars worth of new Body Worn Cameras and Tasers, which will soon be unpacked and deployed to the frontline.
The state budget signed last week by Gov. Jay Inslee includes money to create a master’s degree and two bachelor’s degree programs at Eastern Washington University, and a bachelor’s program at Washington State University.
The funding is being made available through broadband infrastructure grants awarded to Comcast, Verizon and Mediacom, which will expand their coverage areas to reach an additional 11,600 homes and businesses.
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry announced the 29 organizations that will receive funding to help students learn digital skills like coding.
Victorian government in the second stage of its Connecting Victoria mobile program, is offering $265 million to improve network coverage in under-served regions.